Fix Spectrum Reference Code RLC-1002 – Spectrum App Error
Roku users make the mistake of using Spectrum reference code RLC-1002. It isn’t a common error and was discovered only recently in the USA by large numbers of Roku application users. It is called ” Spectrum reference code RLC-1002 “. This error is not common and was only discovered recently in the USA by a large number of Roku application users.
What’s Spectrum TV?
This allows you to watch spectrum TV apps from abroad.
What’s Spectrum App Error Code RLC-1002?
Spectrum Error Code (RLC-1002) is caused when the internet connection is slow. If that doesn’t happen, there are other options.
Spectrum Error – What Cause Is It?
Spectrum error may occur for many reasons.
How can I fix Spectrum Reference Code RLC-1002
Removing and Reinstalling TV Spectrum Channel
Click on “My channels” to access the Roku device.
Next, choose a spectrum TV channel to test and press the list. Next, push the asterisk button on the Roku remote control.
Select the Delete channel option from the menu and then press the OK button on your remote control.
Next, you can use the Roku remote for access to the Roku channel store.
Next search for Spectrum TV and click to install it.
Log in to your account and accept the terms of service.
Restart the application.
Check to make sure the problem is fixed.
Reset your Network Connection
Turn off both devices (Roku first, WiFi router second). Leave them turned off for approximately 15 seconds.
Disconnect your Roku’s network connection.
Disconnect all devices from the power source (TV, routers, Roku).
All devices will reconnect within one minute.
Power Cycle all your devices
Disconnect router, Roku, and modem from the power supply.
Once you have unplugged all devices, hold the power button for 30 seconds.
Connect the gadgets and power source after you have completed the previous steps.
Connect devices in the order of router, modem and Roku.
Please check that the main power supply is working before you plug in any devices.
Connect all devices in a sequence.
If you have a problem, please restart the application.
Most errors are caused by connections. They store a lot of caches which allows spectrum TV app fix error number RLC-1002.
This article will cover everything you need to understand about the RLC-1002 error within spectrum app. It will also help you to understand how the product works. It can take a significant hit.